Bio::Neos Blog

Newsworthy articles on everything tech, trends, local opportunities and more. Right here and delivered to your inbox.

Steve Davis
October 23, 2015
Kirkwood High Tech Days
Opportunity to speak to a roomful of about a hundred 8th through 12th graders at the Kirkwood High Tech Guys Day!
Steve Davis
October 8, 2015
ExploreIT day
Bio::Neos hosted a high school career exploration day, called "ExploreIT Day."
Steve Davis
August 17, 2015
Dev/Iowa Bootcamp
I committed to be the lead instructor for the Dev/Iowa Summer Series this year!
Steve Davis
May 15, 2015
UIowa 2015 Commencement Shoutout
Bio::Neos was called out in the UI College of Liberal arts commencement speech by UI President Sally Mason!
Steve Davis
April 25, 2015
UI College of Engineering Storer Award
I have been given the chance to return to my Alma Mater as a guest judge for the Huber E. Storer Start-up Award!
Steve Davis
April 3, 2015
dev/iowa Shoutout
This past weekend was the first Iowa City Hackathon, expertly pulled together by dev/iowa and the local tech community!
Steve Davis
March 27, 2015
Web-based Genome Analysis
Site with some BAM and VCF analysis tools, real-time and over the web.
Steve Davis
March 18, 2015
Radiology Tutorial
Here is a nice site that provides "radiology tutorials."
Steve Davis
March 17, 2015
Chrome’s Unsafe Ports
So apparently Chrome maintains a list of "unsafe" ports (or maybe a list of safe ones).