Bio::Neos Blog

Newsworthy articles on everything tech, trends, local opportunities and more. Right here and delivered to your inbox.

Steve Davis
May 31, 2018
Computer Science Standards
It has become apparent that students need skills beyond the core academic standards to succeed in the future!
Kody Petersen
April 4, 2018
CCA STEM Day 2018
Participation at the CCA 7th Grade STEM Day at Clear Creek Amana Middle School in Tiffin, IA.
Steve Davis
November 4, 2017
Computer Science Education Work Group
Asked to participate in the Computer Science Education Work Group which was established by Senate File 274!
Steve Davis
August 4, 2017
Final Presentations DeltaV 301 Class
New DeltaV program started by NewBoCo!
Steve Davis
February 16, 2017
Comp Sci Education Week 2016
Bio::Neos had the opportunity to participate in Computer Science Education Week for the second straight year!
Steve Davis
October 12, 2016
Midwest Big Data Hackathon
Judging at the Midwest Big Data Hackathon hosted by the University of Iowa this past weekend!
Steve Davis
June 29, 2016
Kids coding
Michael and I volunteered for an event at the Coralville Library organized by Erica Binegar and called "On Your Mark! Get Set! Code!".
Steve Davis
March 8, 2016
Opportunity to see several different events that have displayed a lot of passion and enthusiasm in bringing innovative and unique ideas to reality!
Steve Davis
December 17, 2015
Computer Science Education Week 2015
The week of December 7th to 13th has been declared Computer Science Education Week!