Steve Davis
16th Anniversary!

I realize that this is a bit late, but as we all know, it’s been a crazy year! Despite this, we still want to pause and reflect back and celebrate that in 2020, we have now passed 16 years in business (January 27th, so we are actually almost at 16.5 years)! It’s hard to believe how quickly time races by, but Mike and I want to take a moment to reflect on where we’ve been and look ahead to what’s to come.

Our last year has been strongly influenced by my participation in the second state-wide Iowa cohort for the Goldman Sachs 10K Small Businesses program. Energized by the experience, we have actively developed new business relationships while maintaining ongoing collaboration with several partners. It has been an honor seeing our insights and software expertise utilized to assist scientists within the life sciences and healthcare to streamline their processes, research, and service. Ultimately, software is a critical component to producing the life-saving services and technologies of tomorrow, and we always strive to solve our partners' problems with the most appropriate technologies. This has ranged from developing software tools which assist in disease identification to optimizing data analysis for researchers. We are grateful for the important work these researchers are performing and proud that we can contribute to their work in a small way.

In addition, our most recent goals include a realignment of our messaging with the value and skills that we typically bring to the table when we are involved in projects. We treat all of our clients as partners because we like to work extremely close with them on their projects to make sure that we deliver the value that they deserve. In addition, we only engage with groups that have similar values or missions to our own, and therefore we can strive to enable our clients success as much as our own. Our entire team is dedicated to this work and our values, and we are very grateful for everyone on the team, even our temporary interns or subcontractors. While we are a small group, we have been able to accomplish much.

Furthermore, in the recent years we have dedicated ourselves to some sustainable growth so that we can service bigger projects and make a bigger impact. Within the near future, we aspire to grow the team to 10 - 15 employees with additional specialties and responsibilities. Despite the challenges of the year 2020, I still believe we can continue this growth and we are all excited for what the future of Bio::Neos could look like as we expand.

Finally, we have continued our commitment to being an active, positive force in our community. We strive to support computer technology and STEM studies for youth and young adults via Computer Science Education Week events, my involvement on the regional IT Sector Board, and our support of the local STEM Innovator® Team from the University of Iowa. Additionally, Bio::Neos engages and trains young talent by providing software development internship opportunities even during the course of this global pandemic. Currently, we’ve taken on three fully remote summer interns from the University of Iowa and Iowa City West High School.

The past 16 years have been a tremendous adventure, and we’re truly excited to delve into the next steps. If you want to follow along for the ride, please follow us on LinkedIn. Stay tuned for updates and news as our journey continues!